samedi 30 août 2014

Suffering With Pimples? Here Are Some Helpful Solutions!

Contrary to what many have heard, pimples is not caused by dirty skin alone. There are several contributing factors and therefore, several effective tips for preventing and treating it. In this article, we will discuss some of the necessary steps you must take if you want to keep your skin clear.

See here:

A clear cut way to keep your face clear of zits, is to make sure that you wash your face daily, to keep your skin clean and refreshed. Make sure to wash with warm water and soap. Using hot water will burn the skin and cause damage.

For those wanting to reduce the amount of zits they have, careful washing of the face every night before going to sleep can remove oils that can contribute to breakouts of whiteheads. It is impotant that you choose a cleanser that prevents or clears balckheads. This regular washing will result in a clearer face, and is not hard to adapt into a personal schedule.

Aside from cleansing and diet, you can reduce pimples by reducing your stress levels. High stress levels causes you to break out due to a release of a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol can clog pores, which leads to pimples. Take time to relax out of your day by resting or doing light exercise such as yoga.

To help reduce your pimples, consider taking a supplement to get all the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your skin clear. Maca, a root from Peru, balances and stabilizes the systems of your body. Nature's Living Superfood contains many nutrients that are beneficial to your body, including trace minerals.

One way to help prevent an zits breakout is to sleep on your back. If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, then your face is constantly in contact with the oils deposited there by your hair and face, so sleeping on your back is recommended. Also, you need to wash your pillow cases regularly to remove these oils as well.

Prevent breakouts with this easy tip. Clean your cellphone (and desktop phone at work) thoroughly with an alcohol wipe each day to take off excess oils. When you press your face against these objects, your pores can become clogged with old residue. When you don't clean these devices, you put yourself at risk to breakouts.

Using an ice cube wrapped in a soft washcloth and holding it on your blemish can help with zits. Hold the ice cube for a few minutes directly on the blemish and repeat the procedure every hour. The cold compress helps with the discomfort of zits. Do not hold the ice cube on a blemish for more than a few minutes at a time.

If you are in a relationship, you may have outbreaks of acne due to the intense stress that you may be under. Try to limit the amount of times that you fight, to reduce anxiety and improve your face. Constantly worrying and stressing out are contributing factors in acne development.

One great way to help your body fight zits is to drink a lot of water. A lot of people believe that this helps eliminate pimples. By drinking water, you are helping your complexion by keeping it well moisturized. Additionally, drinking water simply makes your body run better, making you feel better.

To keep from developing breakouts, you should regularly clean your makeup brushes. When you use a makeup brush, oil and dirt from your face are transferred to the brush. Over time, the brush can build up bacteria and clog your pores. Taking the time to clean your brushes will keep them from damaging your skin.

If your doctor has prescribed an antibiotic or medicine for the control of your zits, make sure you take the medicine in its entire course before deciding if it is working or not. Often, pimples will get worse at the beginning of a new regimen as pimples come to the surface that were not visible before. Give your body ample time to adjust to the medicine before deciding on whether to continue treatment.

New pimples-fighting gadgets that are on the market, claim to quickly and effectively eliminate zits within hours. While these devices have been proven to treat acne, at over $100 each, they are overpriced and unnecessary. Especially is this the case when you find out that these machines work simply by directing intense heat at the offending blemish.

If your skin is prone to pimples, stay away from oil based creams and cleansers as much as possible. Having that extra oil on your face is only going to end up clogging up your pores even more, and your skin will suffer for it. Instead, try finding items that are water based and use them in exchange for the oil based ones.

As you can see from these tips, there are many different ways to treat zits. Every person's skin is different so you will need to find the correct combination of treatments that work for you. Once you start using these tips your face will clear right up.

jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Coconut oil - Health & delicious

(Health Centre) - Coconut oil is common with many other coconut products for thousands of years for many people a staple. And although coconut oil is rich in saturated fat, it has in store for human health a wealth of extremely useful properties. Thus coconut oil is very easy to digest. It regulates blood fat levels, has an antimicrobial (both internally and externally) and performs as good as never to be overweight. But how come now to the fact that some experts are still regularly but totally unwarranted advise against coconut oil?
Health promotion coconut oil

Coconut Oil - One of the most natural oils

Coconut oil is one of the natural oils that are available to us humans. Thus, the mature coconut to about 35 percent of coconut oil and can - once opened - very easily be eaten in larger quantities.
Imagine in comparison, even the rapeseed ago. He is tiny and rock hard. It is hardly possible to eat this. Rapeseed oil is therefore not one of the natural oils, because without monoculture and machine processing would not exist the rapeseed oil. Also safflower oil or soybean oil are not just oils that we know of since time immemorial.
Coconuts however provide for the peoples of the South Seas a staple is - a staple, with whom she remained powerful and healthy for thousands of years, without ever about diabetes , cholesterol ,  heart attacks or  strokes having to worry.
Who now but knows the fatty acid composition of coconut oil, here is wondering maybe.
Consists but the coconut oil to a very high part - specifically, from about 90 percent - of saturated fatty acids. And saturated fatty acids, which we have been taught long enough, are now once bad, lead to increased cholesterol levels, and sooner or later lead to heart attack and stroke.
So how did the coconut eating primitive people can remain healthy despite high coconut oil consumption?
It's simple: coconut oil IS healthy! Just the above-mentioned fact that we grow the coconut oil in the form of quasi coconut in his mouth, so we are presented by nature so easily accessible, is a sign that the coconut oil is an extremely high-quality and natural food.
With such a statement, today, of course, hardly anyone happy. Scientific analyzes and investigations are required. And lo and behold: The research came to a different conclusion - so she tried - and ultimately had to find a majority:
Coconut oil is not only healthy, it's also healthy and fit therefore well in a diet in which food may also be remedies.
Consider, first, the fatty acid composition of coconut oil. In this way, you get an overview of the proportions of the individual fatty acids.

Fatty acid composition of coconut oil

The coconut oil is among other things:
Lauric acid:44-52%
Capric acid:6-10%
Caprylic acid:5-9%
Myristic acid:13-19%
Palmitic acid:8-11%
Stearic acid:1-3%
Oleic acid (monounsaturated FS):5-8%
Linoleic acid (polyunsaturated FS):0-1%

The medium chain fatty acids contained in coconut oil are the first three of the above list, with lauric acid is one of the best known and most studied. Coconut oil is so - the only natural oil far and wide - to well over 50 percent of medium chain fatty acids.
But what is behind medium chain fatty acids?

Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids

Medium chain fatty acids are saturated fatty acids with a certain chain length. For example, while a langkettigte fatty acid such as stearic acid consists of a chain having 18 carbon atoms is (C represents carbon), caprylic acid only 8 carbon atoms, is established, the capric acid from 10 and lauric acid of 12 carbon atoms.
Thus, medium chain fatty acids are composed of chains containing 8 to 12 carbon atoms and long chain fatty acids consisting of chains of 14 to 24 carbon atoms.
The medium chain fatty acids are another thing that give the coconut oil a large part of its special properties.

Coconut oil - Easily digestible and less calories

Medium chain fatty acids are initially very easy to digest. Without the cooperation of bile acids can be digested. They are water soluble and therefore reach bluntly through the bloodstream to the liver.
There, now - and that is equal to the next benefit - they are very often used by the body for energy and less like to be stored in the fat depots.
In addition, medium chain fatty acids provide a calorie less per gram than other fatty acids.
These two properties of coconut oil fatty acids cause that coconut oil has the reputation of being less contribute to the weight gain than other fats, so, on the contrary even to help you lose weight.
Confirmed this aspect has a Japanese-controlled double-blind study , which already in 2001 in The Journal of Nutrition has been published.
78 overweight but healthy participants (men and women with BMI over 23) were divided into two groups. Both ate during the 12-week study period the same, only one group received (M) daily 60 grams of fat from medium chain fatty acids and the other group (L) received 60 grams of fat from long-chain fatty acids.
Both groups decreased weight. But group M lost significantly more weight than group L. And not only that
When dieting is known muscle mass builds often from particular, while the body fat percentage can be reduced only slowly. Group M, however, experienced a significantly higher body fat loss as well as a higher fat loss subcutaneous tissue than group L.
The researchers concluded at the time that medium-chain fatty acids can reduce body weight and body fat better than a diet containing long-chain fatty acids.
Another very special and unique effect of coconut oil is that against viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Coconut oil is effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi

The medium chain fatty acids of coconut oil are antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal - both in inward as well, when used externally.
Coconut oil is therefore the skin oil of choice for fungal infection . Similarly, the coconut oil can in  vaginal fungal or bacterial diseases of the vaginal mucosa for intimate care or  as lube be used and thus helps in place to combat the unpleasant itchy microbes and fungi with.
However, as the coconut oil acts against bacteria & Co?

Coconut oil lauric acid against herpes and other viruses

The medium-chain lauric acid alone accounts for about 50 percent of occurring in coconut oil fatty acids. In the human or animal body, the lauric acid converts into monolaurin first.
While there are also studies showing that having the free lauric acid also antimicrobial abilities. But it is mainly the monolaurin - a so-called monoglyceride - which acts ultimately against viruses and bacteria.
Monolaurin defends especially enveloped viruses (eg, HIV, herpes -, cytomegalovirus and influenza viruses) in the human and animal organism from. Enveloped viruses are surrounded by a lipid envelope.
Monolaurin is for viruses now so dangerous, because it just can resolve this shell, which leads to inactivation of the virus.
About six to ten percent of the fatty acids in coconut oil are made ​​of capric acid - also a medium chain fatty acid with a similar health-promoting effect as the lauric acid.

Coconut oil: capric acid against Chlamydia & Co.

The capric acid has a particularly when it is converted in the human or animal organism in their monoglyceride monocaprin. Monocaprin is currently both its antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus and tested for its antibacterial activity against chlamydia and other sexually transmitted bacteria.
But even older studies on this subject are such as those of Thormar et al. (1999), in which the inactivating effects of monocaprin in the above-mentioned viruses, including HIV be proved - at least in vitro.
As medium chain fatty acids against Chlamydia act, the study showed by Bergsson et al. (1998).
Total is that lauric acid and monolaurin a higher antiviral activity than the rest of the medium chain fatty acids and their monoglycerides.
The viruses that can be inactivated by medium chain fatty acids, include in addition to the
  • HIV
  • measles virus ,
  • the Herpes Simplex 1 virus (HSV-1) ,
  • the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) ,
  • visna virus , and
  • Cytomegalovirus .
However, the fatty acids of coconut oil act not only against viruses and bacteria, but - as already mentioned - also against fungi.

Coconut oil against fungi

The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil also reduce the activity of fungi, such as, for example, of Candida albicans .
Several studies on the one hand showed an anti-fungal effect of capric acid on Candida settlements in the mouth area of ​​denture wearers as well as on the other hand an in-vitro degradation of three different Candida strains by both capric acid and lauric acid by.
Coconut oil can therefore be profitably used to treat fungal infections of all kinds.
Internally for intestinal yeast infections and externally to treat fungal infections of the skin or mucous membranes.
An anti-candida program with coconut oil and oregano oil can be found here: Coconut oil against Candida albicans
With all of these antimicrobial activity of coconut oil of course one wonders sooner or later, whether coconut oil or its fatty acids not possibly also against desired bacteria and thus against  its own intestinal flora could be destructive.

Coconut oil: Medium chain fatty acids for intestinal bacteria harmless

Medium chain fatty acids and their monoglycerides such as monolaurin seem useful intestinal bacteria to have no harmful effect, but only on potentially pathogenic microorganisms.
Researchers led by Isaacs (1990) showed, for example, in the widespread microbes which frequently colonize the intestine, such as Esche richia coli by no inactivation by monolaurin.
When disease-causing microbes such as Haemophilus influenzae , Staphylococcus epidermidis and the Gram-positive group B streptococcus, however, a very strong inactivation.
A fat that can eliminate bacteria, viruses and fungi is of course fine. But how does it look now with heart health, with the cholesterol and the condition of the blood vessels from when eaten much coconut oil in all the excitement?
Because it would not be very practical if you fungal and virenlos finally died from heart attacks.
Coconut oil but ideally has a very beneficial effect on the heart, the blood vessels and also on cholesterol levels.

Coconut oil and heart diseases

The over four decades of sustained research on the interactions between coconut oil as a food ingredient and heart disease came on the whole, to the same result:
Coconut oil is extremely helpful in minimizing the risk factors for heart disease.
Blackburn et al. (1988) consisted in their study with the published literature on the "effects of coconut oil on serum cholesterol and atherogenesis" apart and came one to the conclusion that "coconut oil, if it is supplemented with other fats or adequately with linoleic acid, in terms of atherogenesis represents neutral fat ". (Atherogenesis = emergence / development of atherosclerosis)
After Kurup & Rajmoran had in the late 90s working with the same literature, they conducted a study with 64 volunteers and found by coconut oil consumption "no statistically significant change in all cholesterol values ​​(total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, etc.) compared to baseline. " The Ergbenisse they gave in 1995 in India at the Symposium on Coconut and Coconut Oil in Human Nutrition known .
Kaunitz and Dayrit studied earlier, namely in 1992 wrote the epidemiological experimental data from groups that had consumed his life coconuts, and 
"The available population studies show that coconut oil in the diet does not lead to high serum cholesterol nor to high mortality or morbidity from coronary heart disease."
They noted further that Mendis et al. (1989) had demonstrated in young adult male from Sri Lanka adverse lipid changes after they had switched their diet from ordinary coconut oil to corn oil.
Although indeed decreased the serum cholesterol value due to the corn oil by 18.7 percent and LDL cholesterol by 23.8 percent, and the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) fell by 41.4 per cent, well below the minimum acceptable value of HDL- 35 mg / dL, so that the LDL / HDL ratio increased by 30 percent - which is a very bad sign.
Previously, Prior et al. (1981) have shown similar, namely that when island residents who take large amounts of coconut oil to be "no evidence was observed that the high intake of saturated fats in these groups has a harmful effect."
Immigrants, these groups but to New Zealand, where decreased their consumption of coconut oil, it increased total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol and their HDL cholesterol level fell.
Mendis & Kumarasunderam (1990) then compared again the effect of coconut and soybean oil in young men with normal blood lipid levels, and led them to the consumption of coconut oil to an increase in HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol), whereas soybean oil reduced this desirable lipoprotein.

Coconut oil against atherosclerosis?

In further research it was demonstrated that herpes and cytomegalovirus may play a role in the formation of atherosclerotic deposits in the blood vessels as well as just in the re-narrowing of arteries after angioplasty (surgical enlargement of a blood vessel, for example, by inserting a stent) (Article in The New York Times 1984).
The interesting thing is that the antimicrobial monolaurin - as we have seen above - yes, exactly this herpes and cytomegalovirus may inhibit, but monolaurin is only formed in the body when lauric acid is a component of the diet. And lauric acid is present in coconut oil.
A review (Review) by Lawrence (2013) summarizes the current state of knowledge then also together as follows:
"Although previous studies pointed out that a diet high in saturated fat and simultaneously lower intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease let rise, the evidence has always been weak."
Over the years, it was found that saturated fats are not associated with heart disease or other health problems in context, but on the contrary - especially saturated fats from coconut oil -. Improve health "
So could the common recommendation, coconut oil to avoid (because of the allegedly dangerous saturated fat), also be regarded as a contribution to the increase in coronary heart disease - and perhaps also to the rise of dementia in the population.

Coconut oil against dementia

The affected by Alzheimer's brain can only insufficient use glucose as an energy source. From coconut oil, however, so-called ketones can be prepared.
This now can still use for energy and the Alzheimer's brain, the symptoms then take off and the disease progresses more slowly or even improves.
How coconut oil can be used for Alzheimer's prevention, read here:
Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's
How concretely the coconut oil can help the brain to leap, you will find described here:
Coconut oil gives the brain more energy

Coconut oil for cancer

Also in cancer can be included in the coconut oil diet. It supplies the often emaciated body with easily digestible calories, relieved by its antimicrobial effects the immune system and also acts an anti-inflammatory.
Yes, there's even a concrete program ( The ketogenic cleaning ), which is carried out over three to ten days and helps to starve cancer cells, while healthy cells are supplied with the derived from the coconut oil ketones with fuel.

Coconut oil involved in the formation of fatty tumors?

Suction. Atheromas are benign fatty tumors that are usually on the scalp area form (at the neck or behind the ear, for example) or on the belly. These are benign cysts that are filled with fat.
Now you might think that the cysts are filled safely with the "bad" saturated fatty acids that the body tries to deposit somewhere. But far from it.
The chemical analysis of atheroma has shown that these consist of about 40 percent from polyunsaturated and more than 30 percent from monounsaturated fat, making a total of 70 percent unsaturated fatty acids, however, only to nearly 25 percent from saturated fat.
None of the saturated fatty acids, it also negotiated by fatty acids from coconut oil, so neither lauric acid nor myristic acid. (Felton et al. 1994)

Coconut oil: Victim of edible oil industry

It is interesting that most of the positive characteristics and effects of coconut oil listed have been known for many decades - as shown by the data of the studies listed - they were allowed so only under the table to us instead elaborately produced industrial oils from now partly genetically modified foisting seeds such as rapeseed oil or soybean oil as very healthy.
Unfortunately, was allowed to fall the benefits of coconut oil not only under the table, you made it even downright bad, to draw in this way many people as possible on the side of the polyunsaturated vegetable oils that have been to make matters worse even hawked processed highly industrially.
More than three decades suffered from the coconut oil and its producers under the defamation, which originated in the U.S. and, for example, the publications of the consumer protection organization Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) , the American Soybean Association (ASA) and other representatives of edible oil industry originated.
At the same time, there were publications of the scientific and medical community, who in turn get their misinformation from institutions such as the CSPI and ASA.
But what started all this?

Coconut oil: Victims of intrigue and disinformation

In the late 1950s claimed a researcher in Minnesota that hydrogenated vegetable fats are the cause for the increase in heart disease.
The edible oil industry feared loss of revenue, claiming that the cure is not the problem, but present in the hydrogenated fats saturated fatty acids.
At the same time reported a researcher from Philadelphia, the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to lower cholesterol.
In this scientific publication and the general recognition of the same reacted edible oil industry so that they are more and more focused on replacing occurring in the food "saturated fats" with "polyunsaturated fats".
In the industrial processing of unsaturated fats, however, there is enormous risk that due to the instability of these fats, harmful degradation products and of course, particularly to develop the dangerous trans fats. This, however, was interested at that time still no one.
Then the above consumer protection organization CSPI published in August 1986 a "press release" in which they "palm, coconut and palm kernel oil" as "rich in saturated fats arterienverstopfenden" designated.
The CSPI also called for the mandatory labeling words "saturated fat" when coconut oil or palm oil were contained in a product.
In 1988, CSPI published a booklet called " Saturated Fat Attack "(Eng.: attack on saturated fats). This booklet contained lists of products that "unwanted tropical oils" contained, so that the consumer could avoid these products.
The brochure had a lot of major fault: They gave example, an incorrect description of the biochemistry of fats and oils, and made false statements about the fat and oil composition of many products.
All that was beside the point. The main thing the consumer avoided in future tropical fats such as coconut oil and bought only indigenous oils and fats and products thereof.

Coconut oil in the focus of the soy oil industry

At the same time launched American Soybean Association ASA also launched a campaign against coconut oil and other tropical oils, such as by sending them out anti-coconut oil Letters to the soybean farmers or Show switched off with an "Instructions to combat (tropical) fats".
Another ASA project was to take on a "nutritionist" to monitor supermarkets in Washington who reviewed the foods for their content of coconut oil and other tropical oils.
In early 1987, the FDA asked the ASA (American health authority) that labeling "includes tropical fats" introduce - and blew so the same tune as before, the CSPI.
Mid-1987, it went on with the ASA's campaign against coconut oil. On June 3, 1987 appeared in the New York Times editorial of " The Truth About Vegetable Oil "(Eng.: The truth about vegetable oils) in which coconut oil and other tropical oils as" the cheaper, arterienverstopfenden oils from Malaysia and Indonesia "means were and the claim was made that tropical oils would not meet the U.S. dietary guidelines, even though that was not at all clear. The term "artery-clogging" came directly from the CSPI.
The ASA Magazine Media Alert also announced that the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the National Research Council "to consumers advised to avoid palm, palm kernel and coconut oil."

Attack on coconut oil diverted from the true culprits

And so it went on until even today many people, even doctors and nutrition experts of coconut oil due to the fact saturated fatty acids advise, but in reality only the anti-coconut oil campaigns of the soy oil industry and other stakeholders had fallen into the trap.
For what was the result of the anti-coconut oil-actions? People are now focused on the avoidance of coconut oil and other tropical fats. They bought and ate the native, but mostly industrially processed vegetable oils such as soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oil and also stayed on the purchase of finished products that merely no coconut oil was included.
But no one paid any attention to the real culprits, namely the trans fats in hydrogenated oils and fats. But trans fats only arise from unsaturated fatty acids, never from saturated fat.
Enjoy therefore the delicious coconut oil - of course in cold-pressed organic quality - and steer you prefer processed fats (in finished products) of unsaturated fatty acids.

Coconut oil: Tips for use

Delicious recipes with coconut oil can be found in our recipe database: Recipes with coconut oil
or even in our 9 coconut tips , where you can learn for example how to make healthy popcorn with coconut oil.
In addition, you will find more exciting and effective applications of coconut oil , such as a deodorant from coconut oil, coconut oil as a parasite repellent for humans and animals (keyword tick or Lyme disease), coconut oil for hair care and much more.
Have fun trying them out!
Your team at the center of health

Your training as a holistic nutritionist?

Do you like the food concept of the center of health? Do you want to know in detail how you can make an all-around healthy diet for yourself and your family? Or you might want to give your career a new perspective and also other people can advise on all aspects of a holistic health? We recommend the Academy of Naturopathy for training or retraining .
The Academy of Naturopathy is people like you - a healthy diet and a healthy love life - in 12 to 18 months to technical consultant for holistic health in a remote training from.
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Coconut oil will stop tooth decay

(Health Centre) - to minimize the effort, caries-causing bacteria by thorough dental care is less and less successful. The reason for this lies in the years rapidly rising consumption of sugary foods, combined with a total nutrient-poor diet. This gets the oral flora is out of balance and at the same dwindling defenses. This situation creates ideal conditions for bacteria. They multiply rapidly, destroy the tooth enamel, inflammation of resolve and lead to tooth decay. One groundbreaking study, now proved to the coconut oil as THE winner in the fight against caries-causing bacteria.
Coconut oil against dental caries © ckellyphoto -

Coconut oil against bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites

Coconut oil is one of the health of the particularly valuable food because of its various positive effects.
This importance is due not least to its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic properties. Of course, benefited the whole organism.
In relation to the dental health of its antibacterial activity, however, is in the foreground. It helps that caries bacteria coconut oil avoid them like the plague. This is thanks primarily of lauric acid contained therein .

So coconut oil acts against bacteria

The Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which unfolds its effect in the body and there, going against pathogens such as bacteria. More specifically, it examines only the direct contact with pathogenic bacteria. The rest happens automatically.
The cell membranes of the bacteria consist of a very thin, fine layer of fat. If this contact with the lauric acid, it starts to break up and dissolve. The bacteria perish. The lauric acid attacks exclusively to pathogenic bacteria. This is also made clear that the lauric acid is present in breast milk to support the still insufficiently trained immune system of the baby also.

Coconut oil against dental caries

Scientists at the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland confirm the effect of coconut oil in terms of bacteria that can cause tooth decay and inflammation in the mouth.
For their study, the researchers used next to the coconut oil, other oils, which she offerings each lipolytic enzymes. So they copied the digestion of fat in the body.
Subsequently, the thus "digested" oils with different bacterial strains were contacted. To this end, the bacterium Streptococcus mutans counted as well as the yeast Candida albicans .
Streptococcus mutans is considered to be the main cause of tooth decay. It forms from the sucrose contained in the chyme a solid mass with which bacteria can attach to the enamel. He also metabolized carbohydrates into lactic acid, which actually slightly alkaline oral environment is transformed into an acidic environment. These factors create the pathogenic bacteria optimal habitat.
The Candida albicans is a yeast that can cause inflammation, among other things in the mouth. It also requires an acidic environment to spread out.
The coconut oil was the only one of the oils used in this series of experiments both pathogen kill without attacking healthy bacteria. Thus, the effect of coconut oil differs quite significantly from that of an antibiotic.
Dr. Brady, Director of Research, commented:
The use of enzyme-modified coconut oil in dental care products is an excellent alternative to chemical additives (such as fluorides), mainly is because the oil is already at very low concentrations. And given the increasing resistance to antibiotics, it is extremely important to think about whether we can in future combat microbial infections in this way.
He added:
The human digestive system has inherently about antimicrobial properties, however, are severely limited by a lack of nutrients and vital substances. The use of coconut oil can therefore contribute to a particular extent to strengthen the overall immune system and in particular to blocking dangerous pathogens. Of course, the effect of coconut oil is not only limited to the oral cavity, but will be reflected throughout the body.

Fluoride does not protect your teeth

The effect of coconut oil in terms of bacteria and Candida fungus could be clearly demonstrated in this study. Quite different things look at the use of fluoride against dental caries. At present there is irrefutable evidence of a real protection of the teeth through the application of fluoride toothpastes or the fluoridation of teeth, no scientific study. Rather appeared in some recent studies that fluoride may actually be harmful to the teeth.
The investigations showed that an excessive intake of fluoride contributes to the formation of a so-called dental fluorosis. This is noticeable by white or brownish spots or streaks on tooth enamel. In severe cases, the entire discolored tooth surface. Nevertheless, this is not just a cosmetic problem, because these discolorations soft to the enamel so that the teeth are still susceptible to decay.

Coconut oil in dental care

Still, there is not, the innovative combination of coconut oil and digestive enzymes in dental care products. But we hope that this groundbreaking development in the dental and oral care can not wait long in coming.
Regardless of this, you can already benefit from the antibacterial effect of coconut oil to improve your oral flora, because it is ideal for daily oil pulling. The release of fatty acids assume here that the healthy bacteria of the oral flora or even the salivary enzymes, so that the pathogenic bacteria are harmed in the mouth.
Recommendation: Take - morning fasting - 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and pull the liquid for about 15 minutes between the teeth back and forth. Subsequently, the oil (including the germ) is spit. After this you should rinse your mouth with warm water several times before you finally brush your teeth as usual thoroughly.

No day should pass without seeing coconut oil :-)

Do not forget to use the coconut oil daily in your kitchen. The many health benefits of this oil, you should not miss. Whether in the smoothie, in soup, on the vegetable or cooking oil than for meat and fish - coconut oil gives any dish an exquisite note. You can find many delicious coconut oil recipes on our website. Let yourself be inspired. Probably the only ones who are not convinced by the fine taste of a biological coconut oil, are the pathogenic germs in your body, because they are your newly acquired coconut oil lust not survive :-).

Your training as a holistic nutritionist?

Do you like the food concept of the center of health? Do you want to know in detail how you can make an all-around healthy diet for yourself and your family? Or you might want to give your career a new perspective and also other people can advise on all aspects of a holistic health? Then we recommend the Academy of Naturopathy.
The Academy of Naturopathy is people like you - a healthy diet and a healthy love life - in 12 to 18 months to technical consultant for holistic health. If you want to know more about distance education at the Academy of Naturopathy, then find out on the website the full details and feedback from current and former participants.

mercredi 30 juillet 2014


Maintain the body with coconut oil

Coconut Oil Body Care - The best of nature for a radiant complexion 
in the body care coconut oil plays a very important role. Meanwhile, they contain many industrially produced skin and hair -care products, the tropical oil. However, it is often worked in the cosmetics industry with higher temperatures, the natural ingredients of coconut oil destroy in part. Makes much more sense, then, is itself natural care products produce itself or use the organic coconut oil in its pure, unaltered form for personal care.

Coconut Oil Body Care

Coconut Oil Body CareCoconut oil moisturizes the skin and the hair moisture. It penetrates through the skin into the cells to exert its healing properties. By nature, coconut oil contains many nutrients and antioxidants. Self or just for skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne can coconut oil be used for care. When cellulite (orange peel) a massage with coconut oil works wonders. The emerging heat and increased blood flow to the natural flow of lymph is encouraged and stimulated the reduction of waste in the connective tissue.

lundi 28 juillet 2014

Tips To Use To Prevent Acne Inflammation

Pimple inflamation is a wild skin condition that is regular in youngsters and junior grown-ups. Pimples, zits and whiteheads that principally happen on the face and now and then shoulders regularly portray it. This skin condition happens when oil blends with dead skin cells and obstructs your pores.

One of the most ideal approaches to anticipate it is to guarantee that your face is constantly clean by washing it twice consistently. Cleaning the face ordinary serves to evacuate polluting influences, dead skin cells and oil on the face. At the point when cleaning your face, treat it generous by utilizing a light material or exposed hands to wash, warm water and some delicate cleanser. Continuously flush and dry utilizing a clean towel.

Check this Article here for the best acne treatment: Coconut oil for acne

It is likewise paramount to keep your skin saturated to counter the drying impacts of pimple inflamation. At the point when selecting a cream, it is prudent to try for one that minimizes dryness, as well as avoids peeling of the skin. There are various types of creams in the shops, which are for the most part for dry or sleek skin, or a blending of the two.

For skin break out purposes, it is regularly fitting to abstain from utilizing an excessive amount of make up, for example, the powder, become flushed or wearing establishment. In the event that you do, you ought to wash it out consistently before lights out. The compound piece of a portion of the makeup can result in development of pimples and bothering on the skin. At the point when purchasing make up, dependably search for the ones composed noncomedogenic as these can't result in skin inflammation.

It is critical to abstain from utilizing these as well. A decent substitute would be a delicate cleanser and conditioner. Abstain from getting the oil on your hair from arriving at your face by keeping it as far from the face as could be expected under the circumstances.

Do whatever it takes not to touch your face each once and after that. Touching your face regularly hazards the likelihood of spreading microorganisms and additionally aggravation on the skin of an individual with pimple inflamation. In the event that you recognize pimples all over, don't pick or pop them. Rather, utilize legitimate treatment to counteract scarring and contamination.

A typical danger variable for this skin condition is powerful beams from the sun. The beams can result in bothering on the skin of an influenced individual and intensify the condition. Wearing defensive garments like long jeans, since quite a while ago sleeved shirts and a cap can help keep the skin from getting immediate beams from the sun. Sunscreen with a sun assurance variable of 30 can likewise help you evade immediate daylight when you are outside.

Exercise has numerous profits to the body and cerebrum, for example, enhancing the basal metabolic rate and general capacity of the body organs. Be mindful when practicing by wearing light garments and maintaining a strategic distance from activity machines that rub against your skin and shower quickly after a preparation session.

Moreover, verify that you stay push free as this has been demonstrated to trigger skin break out. Maintain a strategic distance from distressing circumstances throughout your life and arrangement with any nervousness that you may have. In the event that essential, look for the advice of an expert to help you battle stress.